The Observatory for Political Conflict and Democracy (PolDem) provides interactive data exploration and analysis tools, as well as the methodology and codebooks used for data generation and analysis. Here, you can find a short overview of the main datasets provided by PolDem. All of the datasets come with extensive documentation. Additionally, the website provides online interactive downloading tools and R tools to aid the analysis of the different datasets.

Election Campaigns

Short description National election campaigns in 15 countriesNational election campaigns in 6 countries, EU issues only EP election campaigns in 6 countries EP election campaigns in 6 countries, EU issues only
Dataset namepoldem-election_allpoldem-election_eu poldem-ep-election_allpoldem-ep-election_eu
Status releasedreleasedsoon availablesoon available
Additional datasets poldem-election_eu_aggregated
Country selection 15 European countries (Northwest, South, and Central-East) 6 countries (Austria, Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland)5 countries (Austria, Britain, France, Germany, and Sweden)5 countries (Austria, Britain, France, Germany, and Sweden)
Time span 2000s to 2017 (all countries);
1970s to 2017 (selected countries)
1970 to 20101994 to 20191994 to 2019
Source National newspapers National newspapers National newspapers National newspapers
Issue scope All issues European integration All issues European integration

Protest Events

Short description Protest events in 30 countriesProtest events in 6 countriesProtest events in 6 countries, EU issues only
Dataset name poldem-protest_30 poldem-protest_6 poldem-protest_eu
Status released released released
Country selection 30 European countries6 countries (Austria, Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland)6 countries (Austria, Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland)
Time span 2000 to 20151975 to 20111995 to 2010
Source English-language news wiresNational newspapersNational newspapers
Issue scope All issuesAll issuesAll issues

Public Debates

Short description Public debates over European integrationPublic debates over globalization issues
Dataset namepoldem-debate_eupoldem-debate_glob
Status released released
Additional datasets poldem-debate_eu_aggregated
Country selection 6 countries (Austria, Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland)6 countries (Austria, Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland)
Time span 1970s to 20122004-2006
Source National newspapersNational newspapers
Issue scope European integrationEconomic liberalism, European integration, and immigration

Contentious Episodes

Short description Contentious episodes around austerity in 12 countries
Dataset namepoldem-cea_action
Status released
Additional datasets poldem-cea_context, poldem-cea_sequence
Country selection 12 European countries (Northwest, South, and Centra-East)
Time span 2008-2015
Source National newspapers and agencies
Issue scope Austerity and institutional reforms